I'm seeing very large spikes in packets from all users running iChat and Messages across a few versions of OSX to our Openfire server.
I'm just wondering has anyone seen this before or is there something I can do server side to prevent RAM/CPU usage spiking (I'm guessing this is what's causing the CPU to get chewed).
This does not occur with users using Adium on OSX or any other IM client on any other OS.
E.G. During the same conversation
Adium user on 10.7.5 Packets Received/Sent: 448/1,243
iChat user on 10.7.5 Packets Received/Sent: 4,010,779/4,011,745
No files transferred, or video/voice chats etc, just standard text.
110 users
Openfire 3.7.1
Monitoring Service 1.2.0
Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_22-b03)
Sun Solaris 10 u7
Apologies if I've left something out.