the videobridge create an user on the fly. When ldap is enable it can be handle.
2014.03.14 09:30:05 org.jivesoftware.openfire.IQRouter - Packet sent to unreachable address <iq xmlns="jabber:client" to="" type="set" id="1997:sendIQ" from=""><colibri xmlns="urn:xmpp:rayo:colibri:1" action="expire" muc=""></colibri></iq>
==> error.log <==
2014.03.14 09:30:06 org.jivesoftware.openfire.ldap.LdapGroupProvider - Could not find user in LDAP z06g53gj2ffde7b9
==> info.log <==
2014.03.14 09:30:07 org.jivesoftware.openfire.IQRouter - Packet sent to unreachable address <iq xmlns="jabber:client" to="" type="set" id="2516:sendIQ" from=""><colibri xmlns="urn:xmpp:rayo:colibri:1" action="offer" muc=""></colibri></iq>
2014.03.14 09:30:08 org.jivesoftware.openfire.IQRouter - Packet sent to unreachable address <iq id="kAyAp-252" to="" type="get" from=""><query xmlns=""/></iq>
2014.03.14 09:30:08 org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.spi.LocalMUCUser - Chat client attempted to access unimplemented feature
<iq id="kAyAp-254" to="" from="" type="get">
<services xmlns=""/>