While receiving information for example gtalk 'status change' I got an exception in traces:
'Failed to parse extension packet in Presence packet'
Can someone help me with this?
I need to track gtalk statuses, but instead of status information, I got mentioned exception.
Connected to talk.google.com
Logged in as ******@gmail.com/SmackA1S2SSS2
mode: accept_all, accept_all
Presence changed: ********22@gmail.com/android_talk282530909187 available: away
Presence changed: ********33@gmail.com/gmail.A6654E0B available: away ()
Failed to parse extension packet in Presence packet.
Failed to parse extension packet in Presence packet.
Failed to parse extension packet in Presence packet.
looking deeper...
I got exception: 'Caps elment with missing attributes' from class: CapsExtensionProvider
.. any idea?