This code is not working as expected:
connection.addPacketSendingListener(new PacketListener() {
public void processPacket(Packet packet) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException {
try {
connection.addStanzaIdAcknowledgedListener(packet.getPacketID(), new PacketListener() {
public void processPacket(Packet packet) throws SmackException.NotConnectedException {
Log.d(TAG, "Received ACK for packet " + packet.getPacketID());
Log.d(TAG, "Registered Stream Management ACK listener for stanza ID " + packet.getPacketID());
} catch (StreamManagementException.StreamManagementNotEnabledException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to add ack listener for stanza ID " + packet.getPacketID(), e);
}, MessageTypeFilter.CHAT);
The listener is registered, but never called.
In XMPPTCPConnection.processHandledCount() on line number 1664 it sais StringUtils.isNotEmpty(id), but it should be StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(id).