Our company had made some profiling of Openfire 3.9.3 instance under frequent messaging and presence requests and find out that current Tinder implementation waste cpu time.
We've made some refactor and update org.gnu.inet.libidn from 1.15 to 1.28, we've got this refactored implementation in production for couple of month, so we think that it is the time to contribute some... We are ready to post pull request to Tinder git repo but looks like better to get issue assigned first, so that is all about )
In short: 2 classes changed + updated pom with uploaded to JCenter new libidn version, author of libidn was asked to update it in maven central too, but it would require much time ([OSSRH-13173] Please create project for GNU Libidn JAVA port - Sonatype JIRA )
Here some screenshots of profiling results:
1. Before any Tinder changes
2. After refactoring Tinder
3. Refactored Tinder and fresh libidn (1.28)