I tried to authenticate with EXTERNAL mech but I got an IllegalArgumentException due to empty username.
Look the code in AbstractXMPPConnection.java:
public void login(String username, String password, String resource) throws XMPPException,
SmackException, IOException {
if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(username)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Username must not be null or empty");
usedUsername = username;
usedPassword = password;
usedResource = resource;
loginNonAnonymously(username, password, resource);
I think it should allow null usernames. The XEP-0178 says:
If the client certificate contains only one JID, then the client MAY include an authorization identity, but only if it desires to be authorized as a JID other than the address in the client certificate; else it MUST NOT include an authorization identity (this is shown in the following example by setting the XML character data of the <auth/> element to "=").