I tried using OpenFire and OpoenLDAP, then using Xabber on Android as a client.
User and groups are already configured in the ldap server.
I see the LDAP group on the admin console, named as my company, and it sees 4 members, and lists them.
But if I go to the LDAP users list, I can see the correct users, but clicking on them always says "Groups: none".
Looks like OpenFire see the groups one way, but no the other. Why?
That way I don't think I'll ever automatically get the company contacts list to the xabber client...I think....
The LDAP is organized as :
- "ou=people,cn=company,cn=com" containing only users of the inetOrgPerson class
- "ou=groups,cn=company,cn=com" containing only groups of the groupOfNames class
- group entries have multiple "member: ..." to specify members
So I also specified:
- ldapSearch: (objectCalss=inetOrgPerson)
- ldapGroupSearch: (objectClass=groupOfNames)
What's wrong that I'm not getting the contacts list on Xabber?
Why doesn't the admin interface show me that user "x" has Groups, but shows that the group has 4 users?
Thanks for any help! Great software!