Use Case: Applet that wraps Smack so that some JavaScript code can send a message via Smack. (A webpage is sending notification messages; bi-directional communication is not needed.)
I haven't found such an applet so I am developing one.
I started with a simple code snippet from the latest Smack Overview documentation. But, I am getting the error message "XMPPTCPConnection cannot be resolved to a type".
I imagine I am missing something really basic? Sorry if I am, but it's strange that Eclipse can resolve XMPPConnection with my setup but can't resolve XMPPTCPConnection. (Perhaps the Overview could be updated with whatever I am missing.)
My set up is as follows:
- Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1)
- My project has a referenced library, specifically: smack-core-4.0.6.jar
- I have just one src file in my project, ""
Here's a screenshot: