Hello, i have some question about the spark sso configuration, this is the scenary...
i have a openfire (3.9.3) server, this are configure to work with kerberos and active directory settings,
the clients use spark (2.6.3) client, when i make son configurations in spark like able sso feature,
only the users with elevated privileges can use sso connection, the others users can loggin because
spark show "unable to loggin using single sign on".
To solve that problem i make a programed task that elevate privileges on windows when the user that
i specify make a loggin session, then the user can loggin using sso, but sometimes the users have some
issues with the spark, because spark disapear when is sended to the taskbar or the user exit from session, if the user execute the spark
direct access spark appear but show "unable to loggin using single sign on".
Already i try follow this topic: Moving SparkWeb Forward and others, but i need spark or another im client
that leave me configure sso, broadcast messages and attach files...
thanks by help