I had enough of 3.9.3 and its share of roster problems so i embarked on a mission to downgrade the instance. Here is how I did it
I downloaded the RPM installer for 3.9.1
I issued a service openfire stop for the current version
I did a rpm -Uvh openfire3.9.1 --force (you need to force it or it will complain)
I then edited the /opt/openfire/conf/openfire.xml and set the setup value to False and saved the file
Service openfire start
Hit the http interface on :9090 and set it up. I had to re-enter the DB connection info as it had hashed it out encrypted. I did this, save and proceed, validated the DB
Re-configured AD and enabled my rosters, save and it took me to the login page. I could login as admin with my LDAP account.
Rebooted the server, could not log back into admin console.
once again, set the xml to false and re-ran the setup. This time the DB info was not encrypted but the AD info was. Re-entered the AD info. Save and able to login to admin console once again. Notice and it is now running 3.9.1 . Downgrade successful
Rebooted a few times and service starts properly, rosters are back to normal and admin login via LDAP credentials works.
Hope this helps someone out there since no where on the inter webs has this been documented
Cheers !