I have set a cluster of two openfire instances openfireA openfireB .My main test case is having clients connected to the cluster through a load balancer.
Step one stopping openfireA
Users connected to openfireA loose theire connection and try to reconnect through the load balanacer (they will end up on openfireB)
Step two starting openfireA
Step three stopping openfireB
Users connected to openfireB loose theire connection and try to reconnect through the load balanacer (they will end up on openfireA)
Step four starting openfireA
In order to connect to the openfire cluster on the client side I use asmack and smack.
By repeating the test numerous times I stumbled upon a reconnection problem.
Reconnecion attempts are not successful however
The XMPPConnection.isConnected() returns true.
Also the ConnectionListener Implies that the reconnect was successful.
Thus the clients remain disconnected without any clue that they are offline.
Everyone with the same problem?