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Plugin not found Exception, when using getPluginManager().getPlugin("aa")




I'm developing a plugin in Openfire, but when i create a setting page and try to get the plugin instance, to transfer data to the plugin, i always get a Null Pointer Expection. I have been trying to fix this from a week.Please help.


teamFantasian_UserServicePlugin plugin = (teamFantasian_UserServicePlugin) XMPPServer.getInstance().getPluginManager().getPlugin("teamFantasian_UserServic ePlugin");


if(plugin == null) {



    out.println("Cant find plugin ..!!");




My directory structure:


|-- lib

|   |-- asm-3.1.jar

|   |-- commons-pool2-2.0.jar

|   |-- fluent-hc-4.3.2.jar

|   |-- httpclient-4.3.3.jar

|   |-- httpcore-4.3.2.jar

|   |-- jackson-core-asl-1.9.2.jar

|   |-- jackson-jaxrs-1.9.2.jar

|   |-- jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.2.jar

|   |-- jackson-xc-1.9.2.jar

|   |-- jedis-2.4.2.jar

|   |-- jersey-bundle-1.18.jar

|   |-- jersey-servlet-1.18.jar

|   |-- jettison-1.1.jar

|   `-- jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar

|-- logo_large.gif

|-- logo_small.gif

|-- plugin.xml

|-- readme.html

`-- src

    |-- i18n

    |   `-- teamFantasian_UserServicePlugin_i18n.properties

    |-- java

    |   `-- de

    |       `-- meisterfuu

    |           `-- openfire

    |               `-- plugin

    |                   |-- teamFantasian_UserServicePlugin.java

    |                   `-- UserServiceHelper.java

    `-- web

        |-- images

        |   |-- error-16x16.gif

        |   `-- success-16x16.gif

        `-- teamFantasian_UserServicePlugin.jsp



10 directories, 24 files

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