Our Openfire server (v 3.9.3) lies behind a load-balancer and has an internal private IP of the form 192.168.0.x. We saw in OF-650 ([OF-650] Add support for X-Forwarded-For (XFF) headers from proxied BOSH clients - Jive Software Open Source ) that support for the X-forwarded-for header has been implemented, albeit for the HTTP binding only. Our load balancer (we host our systems @ Rackspace) supports this header for all protocols, however we cannot find a way to enable it for XMPP. As a result, all connected clients show the internal IP of the load balancer.
Is there a way by which Openfire can retrieve the information emerging from the X-forwarded-for header for XMPP unencrypted or encrypted (SSL/TLS) connections?
Thank you.