I like to use openfire since 3 years and now I figure out where my problem is located.
I can't log in a user with spaces in userdn. I tried both encloseDNs false and true. But it doesn't work at all.
With enclosed dn false:
"CN="ck, Bn",OU="IT Services",OU="C Services",OU="IT / Engineering",OU="foo bar"",OU=city,O
With enclosed.dns true:
"CN="ck, Bn",OU="IT Services",OU="C Services",OU="IT / Engineering",OU="foo bar"",OU="city",OU="SITES",OU="\#KONFIGURATION",DC="company",DC="de"..
So when it's set to false elements with spaces gettings quotes anyway. That is the problem, the login does not work with that.
Also a problem the double quotes to the user dn and without quoting the base?!
I can login with a DN without spaces and with enclosed.dns true without any problems.
Any idea?