Server: Centos 7
Openfire Version: 3.9.3
I have openfire up and running and was trying to get Crowd integration with openfire running. I found the post on (This) which is a few years old and backed out those changes when I got the to and found the file under the config directory in my install.
As noted I backed out the changes ensured that everything worked when returning to default after restarting openfire.
So a few questions.
-Is there a current crowd guide for version 3.9.X?
-The settings listed in the default file are those settings which should be added to the System properties or just in the file?
-If the System properties under (Server > Server Manager > System Properties) should not be updated how can I restore defaults?
-I have imported my crowd ssl cert into the server but java is still complaining any thoughts?
Note: In an effort to keep this post clean I have used if I should put my full configs and such in posts just let me know.