I have integrated jitsi videobridge with openfire and I can create video bridge in jitsi (tools -> create video bridge) but when checking in the Openfire's admin, I dont't see jitsi Videobridge connected to my Openfire: in console > Sessions > Component Sessions, (I have no session) , It appears only if I start the videobridge with:
./jvb.sh --host=xmpphost --doamin=xmppdomain --port=5275 --secret=mysecret
Also I have an issue with the videobridge, when I create the video bridge it works fine, but when we activate webcam at the same time I have a lot of problems:
1) sometimes we see just our webcam
2) or we see nothing
3) or some participants disconnect and show error in Jitsi: call ended by remote side. reason incompatible-parameters. Error: content rejected
we have to wait until we can see one of the user and activate the other webcam , ect ... and we cannot use it as a solution if it doesn't work correctly.
I have these info:
org.jitsi.impl.configuration.ConfigurationServiceImpl.info() failed to find jitsi-defaults.properties with class loader, will continue without it.
15:27:19.367 Infos: [9] org.jitsi.impl.configuration.ConfigurationServiceImpl.info() Normal classloader
15:27:19.367 Infos: [9] org.jitsi.impl.configuration.ConfigurationServiceImpl.info() failed to find jitsi-default-overrides.properties with class loader, will continue without it.
15:27:19.435 Infos: [9] impl.resources.ResourceManagementActivator.start().70 Resource manager STARTED
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
Can you tell me please what is the problem, or if there is any requirements for jitsi videobridge?
I run jitsi videobridge in the same box (virtual machine) of openfire.
Thank you