I have Openfire(3.8.2) and Spark(2.6.3) running smoothly and we’re doing some tests before rolling it out to other departments.
I'm having trouble with one thing... users are experiencing “being OTR’d”… we get random messages of characters such as;
hrWnhaN816bV6x6DxLL8L59RobNrrMt8jXFWguqabtYCwf2ccXlAFlnn87yN6OJoeoLylUqLaR6Jk61 CpvukbelSJ3+d
H3q83orZM3FIHIKzIny2mdqVNbTpBtWUJqJOGQImC/ElqgLfSLm5cyjPj3uphC939UpEiXh7QXqMb9i JaVH4vLoim
… and so on.
Why is it happening? Is there a way to stop it that doesn’t require removing the OTR plugin?
Is it simply because one side of the chat has the OTR on and the other doesn’t?