We have an Openfire 3.7.0 server on CentOS release 6.4 x86_64 and the following
java version 1.7.0_25
I have these Ignite resources that I have been pouring over:
Import SSL Key and Certificate
Using Signed SSL Certificates in Openfire
I have these non-Ignire resources that I have been pouring over:
Openfire and SSL/TLS Certificates - bigdinosaur.org
Securing Openfire Clients - bigdinosaur.org
Import private key and certificate into Java Key Store (JKS) -AgentBob
I have managed to get the domain_com_ee.crt and intermediate.crt into OpenFire 3.7.0 as a GeoTrust Certificate.
but the client reports "errors" using their custom Spark Client. He didn't specify the nature of the "error" but I suspect that the client app simply needed to accept the "new" certificate.
When this occured, I noticed that a native Spark 2.6.3 client in Windows could not login with "Bad username, or password" message. Ports 5222 and 5223 both tried with the same result.
What must I do to get our wildcard RapidSSL certificate into openfire and the APNS certificate?
Will the clients' app need to accept the new certificate, as I suspect?
Will the clients' app need to be recompiled after coding it to use port 5223?
For the past 2 days, I have been working through CoolCat's post
but it's 7 years old.
Thank you for your time.