So the admin user mistakenly got deleted from the system. I am running openfire 3.9.3 with an external mysql database on Debian6. I found a lot of posts on this but they were all outdated. They all said to do:
INSERT INTO jiveUser (username, password, name, email, creationDate, modificationDate)
VALUES (''admin'', ''admin'', ''Administrator'', '''', ''0'', ''0'');
I not not sure if this because i am on a new version or if it's because I"m on the external database but I do not see a jiveUser table. There is an ofUsers. I tried inserting both:
INSERT INTO ofUser (username, plainPassword, name, email, creationDate, modificationDate)
VALUES (''admin'', ''admin'', ''Administrator'', '''', ''0'', ''0'');
INSERT INTO ofUser (username, encryptedPassword, name, email, creationDate, modificationDate)
VALUES (''admin'', 'md5('admin''), ''Administrator'', '''', ''0'', ''0'');
From all apearences it looks correct when doing select * from ufUser \G but I am unable to login. I tried flushing tables and privildges and restarting openfire.
Can someone help me out.