I have recently deployed the latest builds of Spark and I am finding that it becomes slow and unresponsive, slugish and when you try to navigate the roster it stops responding at all then after a few seconds will respont. Messages also sometimes are not deliverd imidatly and at times will never be deliverd untill the user exits the application and renters or the next time they log in. Anyone know what could be going on? I am in a AD environment using Ldap, also when loggin in to takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 min to get logged in and to display users in the router. I never seems to have that issue with prev versions of 2.6.3 I al aslo on Openfire 3.9.1 If there is anything else you need to know let me know.
Also I added the options "-Xms32m -Xmx128m -Xss128k -Xoss128k -XX:ThreadStackSize=128"