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Property 'provider.user.className' as specified in openfire.xml differs from what is stored in the database


I am configuring openfire.xml for custom database integration and following is my openfire.xml



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



        This file stores bootstrap properties needed by Openfire.

        Property names must be in the format: "prop.name.is.blah=value"

        That will be stored as:









        Most properties are stored in the Openfire database. A

        property viewer and editor is included in the admin console.


    <!-- root element, all properties must be under this element -->



        <!-- Disable either port by setting the value to -1 --> 





      <!-- Network settings. By default, Openfire will bind to all network interfaces.

          Alternatively, you can specify a specific network interfaces that the server

          will listen on. For example, This setting is generally only useful

           on multi-homed servers. --> 












          <serverURL>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openfire?rewriteBatchedStatements=true</ serverURL> 



          <testSQL>select 1</testSQL> 











        <connectionString>jdbc:mysql://localhost/openfire?user=root&amp;password=123</c onnectionString>











        <passwordSQL>SELECT password FROM user WHERE username=?</passwordSQL> 




        <loadUserSQL>SELECT name,email_address FROM user WHERE username=?</loadUserSQL> 

        <userCountSQL>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user</userCountSQL> 

        <allUsersSQL>SELECT username FROM user</allUsersSQL> 

        <searchSQL>SELECT username FROM user WHERE</searchSQL> 










there are no errors in **errors.log** but I see this line in **warn.log** file



    2014.04.09 09:24:18 org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals - Property 'provider.user.className' as specified in openfire.xml differs from what is stored in the database.  Please make property changes in the database instead of openfire.xml.



I am modifying the openfire.xml by looking [this][1] but still a warning.Can any body please tell me what mistake I am doing?





  [1]: http://www.igniterealtime.org/builds/openfire/docs/latest/documentation/db-integ ration-guide.html

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