Hello all,
My colleagues and I have been using Openfire for a while now but doing some development on a project involving the offline message store introduced us to OF-163 (Rosters with > 1000 items don't work well in Oracle) and
OF-397 (Do not deliver offline messages to clients with a negative priority).
I've got fixes for both these issues (we're presently running on our own build incorporating them), both of which are quite simple changes, and was wondering what the best way to commit them back is. Do I e-mail the diffs to a contributor, list them here, or something else?
We also came across an issue in the OfflineMessageStore class. Currently, OfflineMessageStore does not store messages with empty bodies unless they are PubSub events. Our problem was that clients were sending MUC invites with empty bodies, that contained all the information needed by the recipient user, but these messages weren't getting stored offline. We've changed our branch to allow the offline message store to store empty MUC invites, just as it does PubSub events. The code change is again quite simple.
Ideally, I'd like to get this change commited as well, but without a pre-existing Jira I'm less sure if the change would be acceptable, and I'd appreciate some advice if possible.
Thanks for reading,