Good Afternoon,
What do I input for BaseDN, Search Fields, User Filter and Group Filter
Below is my Ad structure
1. I want ONLY members of the OpenFire_Users Group pulled into openfire and have the ability to authenticate through Pidgin to openfire.
2. I installed OpenFire 3.8.0 and could not chat w/other users.. (seems to be a known issue) I tried 3.8.1 beta and after installing, openfire was not even showing up as a service on the server, I decided to install 3.7.2 and COULD communicate between users, but it was pulling ALL ad users in ALONG with OpenFire_Users, but that is now how I wanted it.. Again, I want only the group specified to be pulled in.
3. Is there a way to pre-populate users inside of everyones chat? For example, when a users logs in for the first time, he/she see’s ALL available chat users.. This would eliminate the user having to “add” each user individually.
4. I would like Domain Admins to be admins.. or Do I need to add admins individually?
5. Whenever I made my base DN dc=domain,dc=com I could add admins on the last step of the set-up but when I drilled down to the OU containing the user group (OpenFire_Users), I could not add admins on the last step of the setup? Do I need to specify where the admins reside?
THANK YOU in advance