Hello Everyone,
some collegues and I want to use the Spark client on Linux (especially Fedora 20/RPM, 64-Bit) but we get in trouble with the distributed RPMs and the source variants. We tried Nightly and Stable Builds with no success.
The problem of installing the RPMs is, that the required libodbcinst.so and libodbc.so are not found. They are installed and already present under /usr/lib64 in the system. I think there is a problem within the package building process.
The sources doesn't work either. When ./Spark was startet it always says that {SPARK_ROOT}/lib/windows is "No such file or directory".
So, we search for a solution to use Spark and would help to solve the problems as far we can do this. So far, we will thank the developers for the nice software solution they produced for free.