Openfire is crashing repeatedly for me (multiple time over the course of the day), despite having very few users on the system (~10, low volume usage).
I'm getting this error in nohup.out:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: pthread_getattr_np
# Internal Error (os_linux_x86.cpp:681), pid=32058, tid=140037785782016
# Error: pthread_getattr_np
# JRE version: 6.0_18-b07
I'm running the server with java options " -Xms128m -Xmx1024m", and I've even set xmpp.pep.enabled to 'false' (although I understand that shouldn't be an issue in 3.8.2.
The admin console claims my memory usage is under control (eg., "78.84 MB of 455.12 MB"), but it seems flaky - if I refresh the page, the memory usage jumps by 2-3 Mb each time (regardless of how quickly or slowly I refresh), until it gets to about 130Mb, then resets to about 35... weird.
I've also tried using jmap, which claims Openfire is using about 90Mb.
I'm running on 64-bit CentOS, on a machine that has other stuff running on it, but still has about 6Gb of swap available... so there is no way that I am stressing the machine.
Another weird thing - the server was left running last night, and didn't crash. But this morning, with about 2 users on the system, it went down. So, it does seem tied to usage, but again, the system is new and is hardly used at all.
Any ideas?