Hi all,
I am probably missing smth regarding proper use of the API.
What I do is the following:
- Create a persistent room (by sending Conf form with muc#roomconfig_persistentroom set to true.
- Join it explicitly by calling join("somenick")
- Immediatelly after I call either
- MultiUserChat.getJoinedRooms(connection,myUserId+"/laptop" ); // laptop is the resource I use when doing login
- Or MultiUserChat.getJoinedRooms(connection,myUserId+"/somenick" );
In both cases I get nothing returned, but trying to trace the server (Tigase 5.0.0) I see the difference in the returned query results. For the 1st case I definitly see server returns the room's JID. For the second case it indeed returns nothing.
What am I doing wrong here, generally? Any help will be appreciated.
I have additional question - is there any way to query server for all the rooms a user is member of, regardless the resource string/nickname? Can it be done with smack?