Hi ,
Can any one help me to do clustering using openfire. I installed openfire in 4 systems along with hazelcast plugin. I configured in hazelcast configure file with these four systems hostname with ip address. But it is working showing available nodes in clustering.But i need to check with users. so i install Spark client in systems.But spark cleint is working working properly with same server users.Mean for example server1 has A and B users .They connected each other .Chatting and commenication is going well .But for example server2 users want to communicate with server1 users.
I added server1 user to server2 user by using spark client but it is showing status of that user as pending in spark client. But it is showing in openfire web console in session tan it is using on line users list in every server. But it is not communicating with spark client with other server users .
1. How to solve this issue?
2. May be my hazel cast configure is not correct .I configured like this in each server nodes
<multicast enabled="false" />
<tcp-ip enabled="true">
<aws enabled="false" />
<interfaces enabled="true">
Can Any body help be please , give suggesions to solve this .